At times is becomes necessary to change your ARM network password. One step which you will need to take following a password change is to update your saved login credentials for the ARM VPN. To do this, complete the following steps:


  1. Type “VPN” into the Windows search bar to get to the Windows 10 VPN settings. Next, click on ARM VPN, and then click on the “Advanced options” button:



  1. Under Advanced options, click on the “Clear sign-in info” button, then click the back arrow in the top left-hand corner.

  1. Back in the VPN Settings window, click on “Connect” under ARM VPN. You will then be presented with a login box. Be sure to put armgroup\ before your username. Type in your new network password.


  1. After entering your credentials, click OK and your computer should connect to the VPN. If it fails to connect the first time, try it again. Once connected, your new password should be saved for future connections.

If you experience any further VPN connectivity issues, please reach out to IT Support by sending an email to or calling (717) 508-0563.